If you are in search of a good architect in Kathmandu, Nepal for your project, It might be a very difficult task. You might end up finding a construction firm or a civil engineer. However, if you go through, architect’s directory or Google search, you may find really good and talented architect and interior designer for your project. Most of them are small private companies with few people. Many architects even prefer to work standalone as a freelancer.
Architecture firms come in a variety of sizes and types. The statistically average firm is made up of 9 or 10 people; many firms are smaller. Some are even only one person firm where he/she does formulate your requirements and prepare designs. If you really want a good design, you should go for them. They are an artist and once they take up your project, they put themselves into it to create a piece of art. They always give you and your project much of their time, provided that you too really want a really good project be, built.
Some firms specialize in one or more project or facility types.
Others have very specific specialties. Some firms include in-house engineering (structural, mechanical, electrical, etc.) or other design disciplines (planning, urban design, landscape architecture, interior design, etc.)
Many architects introduce specialty disciplines into their projects through appropriate consultants. Each architecture firm brings its own combination of skills, expertise, interests, and values to its projects.
All good architects will listen to you and translate your ideas into a viable construction project. Look for a good listener and you’ll find a good architect.
The Right Architect
If you are a first-time client, or an experienced client facing a new situation, you probably have many questions about architect selection. Some of the more frequently asked questions are addressed here.
When, in the life cycle of a project, should I bring the architect into the picture?
As early as possible. Architects can help you define the project in terms that provide meaningful guidance for design. They may also do site studies, help secure planning and zoning approvals, help you work out financing, and a variety of other predesign services.
Should I look at more than one firm?
Usually, yes. One obvious exception is when you already have a good relationship with an architect and it makes little sense to change.
How do I find suitable firms to contact?
Contact other owners who have developed similar facilities and ask who they interviewed and ultimately selected. Ask who designed buildings and projects that you’ve admired or that seem especially appropriate. Many local chapters of the Nepal Institute of Architects maintain referral lists and are available to assist you in identifying architects who can help you.
What information should I request from firms?
At a minimum, ask to see projects the firm has designed that are similar in type and size to yours or that have addressed similar issues (for example, siting, functional complexity, or design aspirations). Ask them to indicate how they will approach your project and who will be working on it (including consultants). Ask for the names of other owners you may contact.